§ 136-22. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
    Movable wheeled trailers that are used in connection with the performance of construction work, and which may be designed or intended to convey tools, equipment, construction materials, building materials or other construction-related items to and from a construction site by a building contractor or a property owner, and which same trailers are located on any site at which construction work is actively being performed, has commenced and temporarily ceased, or a building permit for construction work has been issued where construction activity is not actively progressing.
    Portable sheds (hereinafter referred to as "PSUs") that are loaded with materials and placed on a residential or commercial parcel for purposes of temporary storage of materials, including but not limited to household goods, building materials (prior to being used for building purposes), and for any other storage on a limited basis. Provided the portable storage unit is used and permitted as provided in this article, such units shall not be considered an accessory structure as provided under Chapter 208, Zoning, of the Code of Lower Moreland Township.