§ 160-34. Additional requirements.

Latest version.
  • The Township's adoption of the PWD Wastewater Control Regulations shall be implemented and enforced in accordance with the following additional requirements:
    The PWD and/or Township may enforce the PWD Wastewater Control Regulations, including inspections and penalties, and shall provide notice of such enforcement.
    All notifications and reports required by a user subject to the PWD Wastewater Control Regulations shall be provided to both the PWD and the Township.
    Any industrial user responsible for any accidental discharge of wastewater must immediately notify both the PWD and the Township of said discharge.
    The knowing transmittal of false information by an industrial user to either the PWD or the Township is prohibited and constitutes a wastewater control regulation violation.
    The PWD or the Township may require an industrial user to install monitoring and pretreatment facilities, and these shall be provided and operated at the user's own expense.
    Any authorized officer or employee of the PWD may, upon 24 hours' notice to the Township, enter and inspect, sample or test at any reasonable time any part of the Township's wastewater collection system, and, as permitted by law, enter onto private property to inspect, sample or test waste discharges of industrial users; the Township may also choose to inspect, sample and test waste discharges of the industrial users subject to the PWD wastewater Control Regulations.
    Where a discharge to the wastewater collection system appears to present an imminent danger to the health and welfare of persons, or presents or may present an imminent danger to the environment, or threatens to interfere with the operation of the PWD's wastewater treatments system, the PWD or the Township may immediately initiate steps to identify the source of the discharge, and to prevent said discharge.
    In addition to those penalties for violations specified in the PWD Wasterwater Control Regulations, effective January 1, 2013, any user who is found to have violated, continues to violate or fails to comply with any provisions of the regulations and permits issued hereunder shall be liable to the Township for a civil penalty not to exceed $1,000 plus attorney's fees and costs of prosecution for each and every violation or, in default of payment of such fine and costs, to undergo imprisonment for not more than 30 days for each violation. Each day a violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.