§ 160-40. Duties and responsibilities of others.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Each property owner served by a grinder pump shall bear full responsibility for providing, installing, using, operating, maintaining, servicing, repairing and replacing his or her grinder pump and/or its low-pressure force main or lateral, unless otherwise set forth herein.
    Each property owner served by a grinder pump shall have full responsibility for using the pump consistent with the manufacturer's instructions and shall avoid introducing into the sewerage system materials that may damage the impellers on the pump, including, without limitation, items designated as biodegradable in septic tanks.
    Each property owner served by a grinder pump shall close the sewage system and cease operations during any period when the grinder pump and/or low-pressure system serving a property is inoperable for more than three days.
    Where the low-pressure force main or lateral is shared between property owners, they shall submit to the Township a declaration of easement, covenants and restrictions in recordable form setting forth the agreement of each benefited property owner with respect to the installation, use, operation, maintenance, service, repair and replacement of the low-pressure system, which agreement shall bind all future property owners. Following the approval of the low-pressure system by all applicable governmental entities, the Township will not issue a permit for its installation until evidence is presented that such agreement has been recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds in and for Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.