§ 160-43. Property owner's duty to indemnify, hold harmless and defend.

Latest version.
  • The property owner shall be obligated to indemnify, hold harmless and defend the Township and the Lower Moreland Township Authority and all officers, public officials, solicitors, engineers, employees and agents of the Authority or Township from any claims, suits, fines, remedial expenses, damages, legal expenses or judgments indirectly and directly related to the grinder pump and associated facilities, or to the design, construction, operation, maintenance, repair or replacement of the grinder pump or any associated facilities. The property owner shall reimburse the Township and Authority for any expenses it may incur, including legal fees, engineering fees and expert witness fees. In the event the property owner shall fail to pay the costs, legal fees, other expenses, damages or judgment as herein provided, the Township and Authority shall have the right to recover such sums by all legal means, including by placing a municipal lien on the property. The Township and the Authority and any person or entity entitled to a defense or indemnity under this article shall also be entitled to collect from property owner all costs and expenses (including all attorney's fees and other litigation costs) incurred in taking any action to enforce the property owner's duty to defend or duty to reimburse costs or duty to hold harmless. The indemnity, defense and hold harmless obligations of the property owner under this article shall include and extend to all loss, injury or damage even if such is attributable in part, but not exclusively to, the fault, failure or negligence of the Authority or the Township or any officer, public official, solicitor, engineer, agents or employees of either the Authority or the Township. The indemnity, defense and hold harmless obligations of property owner under this agreement apply to, and include, claims made by, and injuries to, employees of property owner.